

记录美好的瞬间_20191224 ⛅


"妈妈 , 明天是我小六毕业典礼 , 老师说要父母陪同参加。你会出席吗?" 身披黑乌乌的长发 , 幼小的手拉着我的裙角 , 眼神里充满着闪亮的星星望着我说。"女儿的毕业典礼 , 我哪可以错过呢? " 我弯下腰看着女儿 , 轻轻地抚摸着女儿的头。她勾起她的小指 , 再拉起我的小指 , 约定成了诺言。天真无邪的她 , 哼着她最爱的歌曲 , 跳着她最喜欢的舞。看着她 , 我心中有些感慨 ; 看着她 , 我心中有些感动 ; 看着她 , 我心中有些怀念。

20年过去了 , 曾与她一样幼小的女孩 , 如今却成了人妻 , 媳妇 , 妈妈这样的角色 。女儿穿着漂亮的公主裙 , 绑着蝴蝶辫子的马尾 , 画上淡淡的彩妆 , 笑起来却甜得像棉花糖一样 , 让人不禁随着她那甜美的笑容嘴角上扬。她白嫩的小手握着我有着岁月痕迹的大手 , 摇摇摆摆地走进她的学校礼堂。女儿随后带我入座到她的身旁。我放下我的包包 , 望了望四周围。"哇 , 好漂亮呀你的女儿 , 和当年的你竟如此相似!" 隔壁突然传来熟悉又温暖的声音。我心一震 , 转头一看 , 望着她的脸蛋 , 停顿了一下。"丽 , 难道你不记得我了吗 ? 我是你小学同学呀! 你小学最要好的朋友 , 不记得了吗?" 她眼睛瞪大地看着我 , 脸上一副疑惑的表情。我看着她笑了 , 我会心一笑 , 对啊 , 我怎么就忘记了我童年的好友呢? 她还是一副老样子 , 即便当了孩子的妈 , 却依然那么淘气 , 心里的小孩始终没长大。

England Trip _ Family Love 🏩

" Fang , wake up or you will be late for 9.00am flight ! " mum shouts at the top of voice beside my ears and shakes my body vigorously . With a messy hair and smelly pyjamas , I suddenly woke up in a shock. " Mum , I'm in a dream. It's such a sweet dream. You have destroyed my dream !" Within 5 seconds , it dawned on me that it was the day for our trip to England ! " Arhhh ! How can I not hear alarm ringing ? " I quickly sprung up from my bed and went to bathroom to get dressed. Then , we departed to airport.

It was my second time to explore the new world. I never think that I can be such a lucky girl that have the brilliant opportunity to travel overseas again. As usual , everyone have a security check process , like weigh our luggages and pass on our passport to the staff. As we check in , we take a rest in the waiting room. After 30 minutes , the broadcaster announced that the passanger could board the plane. With an excited and anxious feeling , I followed my family tightly so that I would not be separated from them. It such a different feeling that I had never have had  before. I smiled heartily and observed the surrounding of the plane. When we walked into the plane , the flight attendants gave us smiles and warm greetings. I sat beside the window of plane while my family sat beside me. The journey started and it took us 16 hours.  In the planet , we could try the food and beverages which is provided , apart from enjoying the scenery of the blue sky and white cloud , the biggest red sun.

As soon as we stepped out of the plane, we could feel the chilly weather to our bones. As we never experienced that kind of weather , I was very excited. Passing through immigration and baggage claim , my family and I were talking animatedly about our new surroundings. Since we went to find my third brother , we knew we were in good hands. We walked out and saw a young man who wore a brown coat and grey jeans waiting for our arrival. His broad smile and his soft voice would melted my heart. I embraced him for a long time when he shouted my nickname from far. Yes , he was my third brother who was studying aboard in England , Nottingham for 2 years , it was his graduation ceremony , being as family , we should have a flight to celebrate his happiness. It seen be a long time that we never see each others. Most of time we shared our happiness , sadness , experience through the video calls and messages. I cried like a children as it was my first time to see him after 2 years. 2years seen like a short time but for me , it was like passing a century.

Then , he brought us to his accommodation which is rented in London for 3 days. We pulled our luggages and followed my brother's foot. It was my first time to have a walk with a baggage on the street , on foreign country's street. I enjoyed this journey even it was cold and chill. It was dark night and nobody was walking on the street. We were told that the foreign's lifestyle was significantly different with Malaysia. Most of the restaurants and stalls closed in the evening. So , we need to cook ourselves at home. My brother had prepared dinner for us , large pizza and garlic bread. Yummy , it was extremely delicious as I never had this lifestyle before in Malaysia even it is just a simple food. We had a nice sleep that night.

Next day , my brother brought us to London Eye to enjoy the memerising landscape of London especially at night. Besides , we were also visiting Kensington Gardens and Palace  , Buckingham Palace , Westmnster and Big Ben , Trafalgar Square. In this journey , we could expand our horizon and boost our knowledge about their royal palace. As the palace was private , so we just stood front of the gate and saw the beauty of the palace and its designs and arts. Besides , we were also having fun in Hyde Park which rich in animals and gardens. I enjoyed the wonders of nature. ( Not finist yet...)


梦想与亲情 🍀 _芳

                "啦啦啦...沙沙沙..." 甜蜜的声音伴随着尖尖的笔芯与薄薄的纸面摩擦的声音。热情的阳光照在她的雪白滑嫩的脸蛋上 , 微风徐徐吹来 , 窗口旁的浅紫色的窗帘和她身披的长卷发随着摆舞, 挂在窗边的风铃也像似被感染一样 , 有节奏地响了起来。

                  "我终于完成啦 ! " 握在手上的深黑色的铅笔慢慢地小心翼翼地被放在桌面上 , 随后桌面上的纸张被她高高地举在空中 , 在温暖不刺眼的阳光照射下 , 洁白的纸张瞬间变得蛋黄般透明般清晰 , 闪闪发亮。纸上写的不是什么惊事之作 , 而是她目前此刻最为向往的梦想。 是的,是她梦寐以求的梦想,一个她从未对他人甚至最亲密的人倾诉过,一切关于她最刻骨铭心的故事,或者只能说是一个小秘密,一个别人从不在乎的秘密,却是她最在乎的心坑底里的秘密。 那张纸 , 不多不少正刚好是第99张她审核和满意后的草稿纸。一叠一叠的皱皱蜡黄纸张堆在她书桌上。她笑了 , 一种衷由心中被一股很强烈的成就感 , 一种从在心里积压已久的压力 , 委屈与忍辱中被解放出来的笑容。此刻她完全陶醉在她幸福的情境当中。"再多一个月 , 只要再多一个月 , 我就要完成我的第100张梦想了!" 她看着那一叠叠的 , 是她累积整整5年的时间绞尽脑汁 , 费心费力地 , 辛辛苦苦所做出来的梦想 , 心情顿时感到十分的轻松,愉悦。"将相本无种 , 男儿当自强" , 她从小有着奶奶的灌输 , 也渐渐明白任何事情都需要自身的努力 , 即便自己天生就如此优秀 , 因为天才是百分之一的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。为有努力 , 才能迈向自己的理想前进。

             "咚咚咚" 一连串敲门声从她房间外传来。她慌慌张张地把这些纸张塞进她桌子下的小柜子 , 随后锁上 , 把钥匙藏好。她把桌子清理清理一番 , 再打开化学课本以及练习簿 , 仿佛任何事情都没发生过。她从原本舒适的椅子上站了起来 , 拍了
拍身子上的灰尘 , 再往门的方走去。

           "芳 , 你在做什么呢?怎么妈妈敲门那么久 , 你才开门啊?"
           "这里有妈妈精心为你准备的抹茶蛋糕无糖奶茶。" 妈妈慢悠悠地走到她的书桌前 , 放下手中的下午茶 , 看了看她的课业 , 嘴角上扬 , 便不再打扰她了。她关上门 , 松了一口气。她再次打开那不曾给任何人碰过的粉色专属柜子 , 那里藏着她满满的快乐 , 她的小秘密 , 她的梦想。即便全世界都不同意她的理想 , 她还是如此地固执 , 如此地坚定 , 如此地坚强 , 相信自己所坚持的将来都会实现。

             她再次握起那只看似普普通通的, 但却深藏着故事的铅笔。只要仔细一看 , 那只笔有专属为她刻上的小企鹅 , 末段还有刻着她的小名。那是她奶奶在她小时候为她买的一只笔 , 但为了显示奶奶对她的爱与独特 , 奶奶特意为她设计了一个雕刻 , 她最爱的企鹅与奶奶常呼唤她的小名。说起来 , 女孩和奶奶还真像 ! 天生都拥有艺术细胞 , 爱画画 , 爱设计 , 爱艺术类。奶奶的巧夺天工 , 以及脑洞大开的思维 , "发明"了世界独一无二的铅笔。但 , 不幸的是 , 奶奶早在她读小学时就离开了她 , 离得远远的。更无奈的是 , 除了奶奶 , 再也没有一个人懂得欣赏她的艺术细胞 , 连同爸妈都觉得艺术不能为人生 , 未来带来任何一丝光明。由此 , 她选择默默把自己的梦想藏与心间 , 房间。那梦幻般的公主房 , 便是她的天堂 , 因为那里她可以做自己喜欢的事情 , 尽情地享受她的快乐。

          学校举办美术展 , 当时的她兴奋得像小孩一样 , 不顾别人的眼光 , 在那里跳跃旋转, 因为只有她心里清楚这是稀少的机会 , 何况她所读的学校一向注重学业。她没经过父母同意 , 便自个儿为自己报了名 , 她拿着表格 , 在班上一直望着 , 发呆着 , 幻想着当天的情景 , 她偷偷地笑了。老师在说什么 , 她都视而不听。那天她走神了 , 那天她第一次让自己那么放纵。她害怕她爸爸妈妈知道 , 她把表格藏好收在书包里 , 好不让爸爸妈妈发现。随后 , 她参加了美术展 , 还偷偷地跑去参加设计比赛。比赛的日期与她学校实测十分接近。但她不在乎 , 只把心思全都寄托于设计比赛上了。正因如此 , 她的实测无法顺利通关 , 学校老师都非常讶异 , 原是成绩优越的她 , 竟然退步了。老师打了通电话 , 与父母沟通 , 好让父母来学校一趟 , 了解情况。

           当她握着她手中的设计图 , 愉愉快快地回到家时 , 见父母一脸沉默地坐在沙发上。"你为什么就不了解我们的辛苦? 艺术并不能赚钱 !" 这是第一次 , 第一次爸爸如此地生气 , 他抢走了她手中的设计图 , 把它撕得粉身碎骨 , 她的心一滴一滴地在流血 。她的努力 , 她的心血 , 一瞬间被毁灭了。她跑去房间 , 关上门 , 大声地哭。当她再次打开柜子时 , 她发现了一张国际的美术展览会邀请劵放在一叠叠的草稿纸上 , 还附上字条。 虽然她哭肿了双眼 , 但模模糊糊 , 隐隐约约地看见了爸爸妈妈的字迹 , "女儿 , 我们一直以来都知道你柜子里的秘密。这是我们送给你的生日礼物 , 生日快乐!" 她又哭了 , 哭得更严重了。她打开房间门 , 往爸爸妈妈的身上扑去 , 向他们道歉与道谢。他们看着娇小的女儿 , 顿时感到心疼与欣慰。看着父母脸上被岁月洗礼的痕迹 , 发根里隐隐约约藏着无数丝的白发。

           原来 , 当我早晨在学校上课时 , 他们早已偷偷侵入我的世界 , 翻开我柜子里的秘密世界 , 欣赏我设计的每一张图 , 每一个草稿纸 , 即便是设计图中的任何一个细节他们都不放过。每一张图里都有着每个女人一生中的最渴望最梦幻的梦想 , 只要穿上它 , 便是全世界最美丽最迷人的新娘子了! 当我有记忆时 , 我看见了爸爸妈妈的婚纱照 , 照片里的两人 , 笑容荡漾 , 甜得棉花糖般, 可惜 , 他们当时的生活水平和村里人一样 , 过着简朴的生活 , 没了钱买最好看的婚纱给妈妈 ,这成了妈妈一生中的遗憾。从此 , 我便有了一个梦想 , 想为全世界的女人设计独一无二的最为珍贵的婚纱 , 以不负担的价钱来为她们的一生中留下美好的回忆。 父母小心翼翼地打开 , 小心翼翼地收起 , 深怕伤害到我的宝贝。原来, 他们一直都知道我的梦想 , 知道我的小秘密  , 知道我喜欢设计 , 但却总是刀子嘴豆腐心......

笔于 芳🎀
(以上内容纯属虚构) 😀